Rahbar Danesh SERVICES

We intend to make it easy for everyone to access our knowledge and expertise

Why you should join us

We value knowledge above all. We obligate ourselves to have something to teach to anyone, even those with years of experience in the field.


Respecting the differences and rights of others, fairness in decision making, good behavior from an equal stand, honesty and transparency


We have made progress since the first day, using all our capacities and taking advantage of different opinions and respect for collective wisdom.


We have always adhered to our commitments by adhering to principles and agreement, tirelessly, and loyal to the organization.

Innovation & Creativity

Increased creativity can lead to improved quantitative and qualitative services, lower costs, avoid waste of resources, increase efficiency and productivity


Our services come in form of education, consultation, and research and development.

We intend to make it easy for everyone to access our knowledge and expertise, and in order to do that, we have provided various services to elevate the knowledge of our clientele. From zero experience workers to veteran managers, we have something to teach everyone with an interest in the maritime, transportation, and trades fields. Adding to that are our consultancy services, which have proven vital in the past as they will do so in future, since no course or class can predict the changes of law or science in the future. We also care and cater for your research and development needs.

Our services come in form of education, consultation, and research and development. We are capable of modifying any of these services to the real requirements of our clients, so that no matter the situation, those in need of our knowledge would have access to them.

Rahbar Danesh SERVICES

We offer our services courses in 4 methods:

Some courses are better in person, as teacher-student interaction is sometimes the most valuable aspect of education. For these courses, we have designed attendance courses and in-house courses, wherein attendance courses our classes are held in Rahbar Danesh’s headquarters, and in-house courses are offered in any location chosen by our client. We also offer online classes, which are very similar to in-person courses, where student and teachers will all be online and interacting. Our offline courses are well suited to those who seek knowledge but have little time to pursuit it. They can take our offline courses at their own time and pace.

We also offer consultancy services of all kinds. In specialized courses, you prepare a person’s mind for the reality of the industry. But everything keeps changing; laws change, science advances, and the environment keeps forcing us to make adjustments. Instead of holding new courses every once in a while to make sure our clients can keep up with the pace of changes of the world, we offer our consultancy services. We take pride in the availability of our knowledge, and how up-to-date it always is.

Research and development are other services that we offer. Sometimes we need new innovative methods to face specific problems. To solve special case problems which no one in past or other parts of the world has encountered, or to advance human knowledge in general, we offer our expertise in research and development. Our team of experts are scientists of highest accolades, and they can assemble and solve complicated problems, as they have done so many times in the past.

Attendance Courses

These courses held in to ways: in the headquarters of Rahbar Danesh, or in-house courses.

E-Learning Services

Here in Rahbar Danesh, We offer our e-learning courses in two methods of online and offline courses.

Consultancy Services

Teaching is not the only way to share our our experience and expertise, We offer it through consultancy services as well.

Research & Development

we are constantly doing research and development ourselves, even when we are not contracted to do so.

Consultancy Services

Teaching is not the only way to share our our experience and expertise, We offer it through consultancy services as well.

Research & Development

we are constantly doing research and development ourselves, even when we are not contracted to do so.


Our services come in form of education, consultation, and research and development.

We intend to make it easy for everyone to access our knowledge and expertise, and in order to do that, we have provided various services to elevate the knowledge of our clientele.