
Here in Rahbar Danesh, we have done our utmost to make sure

that our e-learning courses are up to the highest standards.

About Rahbar Danesh E-Learning

For our online courses, we have made sure that the amount of interaction between our instructors and students can be compare to that of an attendance class, as that is one of the most important aspects in any education.

In an era of the pandemic and the internet, we cannot talk about education and not offer courses in e-learning. All around the globe, many attendance courses were put into a halt due to the pandemic, and while e-learning courses were already popular before that, they gained much more popularity after.

Our online courses can be tailored to the requirements of our clients. The topic, the timing, and everything else can be altered in order to reach this goal.  Our intention is to offer knowledge, and if someone is seeking a knowledge we possess, we can offer it in a very order-specific way through online courses. We are proud of how flexible we are in this regard.

There are some who prefer to attend classes on their own place. They might be busy with their professions or other types of education or anything else and not have the time or the ability of keeping a schedule. For those, we offer our offline courses, where the student can take up their studies in their own free time and at their own pace.

We offer our e-learning courses in two methods of online and offline courses:

Admiral Academy Courses

Courses are based on specific books, which are our own versions of highly respected books which are taught internationally. We will always continue to update our books and courses to meet the standards of law and science of the day. Each book is a rich resource which can be taught and practiced in one or more courses in Admiral Maritime Academy.

In Admiral academy, we offer courses in:

  1. Basic Chartering
  2. Brokering and commercial knowledge
  3. Basic insurance
  4. Multi-modal transportation
  5. Incoterms 2020
  6. Familiarization with containers and international trade
  7. Container transportation and logistics management
  8. Container transportation and supply chain management

Many more…


These courses are available in two major forms; classes held in the headquarters of Admiral Maritime Academy, or in-house courses, which are held in another location based on the preference of our client.

Both types of our attendance courses are taught by our leading team of instructors, who are also responsible for gathering the knowledge we offer in our books. Our faculty is made of instructors and professors with decades of experience in highest academic levels.

Online Courses

These courses are held online, with the participation of instructors and students. In terms of participation, they resemble attendance courses and the students are encouraged to participate in all stages of the course, and the instructors will be ready with their lectures and to answer questions. High interaction with the instructors is not mandatory but it is highly encouraged.

We offer the same courses online and in attendance, so any course we offer can come in any type preferred by our students or clients. Our curriculums are set by our faculty, who are academics with decades of experience in both the field and teaching positions. They have gathered their teaching material from the most up-to-date resources in the world and have issued the books that we publish ourselves. These books and our curriculums will be constantly updated to keep up with the cutting edge of technology and all the relevant laws, treaties, and convents.

There are also modified courses, which come in special cases ordered by the clients. Sometimes, very specific knowledge might be what our client needs, and even if that knowledge is not in our curriculums or is in there but is part of another comprehensive course, we can prepare a tailor-made course for the specific requirements that our clients demand.

We are extremely flexible with our online courses, their timing, and their content, and we are very proud of the quality of the knowledge we offer through them.

Offline courses

Offline courses are similar to recorded versions of online courses. The lessons are direct and clear, and the instructors explain common challenges and questions. The benefit of this course is that it is self-paced and you can do them at your own desired time.

These courses are excellent for those with part-time or full-time jobs, or anyone who does not have much time or the ability to frequent normal attended or online courses. They can proceed with our lessons at their own pace.

The curriculum of our offline courses is the same as our online and attendance courses, and they are constantly updated to make sure that the course is the best we can offer. Not only we are constantly updating our knowledge and the general science taught in our courses, we are constantly addressing any issues or shortcoming in our offline courses to make sure that we are always offering the best version of these lessons.

These courses can be customized by the order of our clients as well. Organizations and corporations can use our tailor-made offline courses for educating their own work force. Our offline courses can be that educating factor and so much more, as we will keep updating every material we teach.


Our services come in form of education, consultation, and research and development.

We intend to make it easy for everyone to access our knowledge and expertise, and in order to do that, we have provided various services to elevate the knowledge of our clientele.